Contributed by:
Ted Clifton
Clifton View Homes
Whidbey Island, Wa
1. Why invest in Energy Efficient Options for your Home?
* Investments in Energy Efficiency are among the most secure investments you can make, offering high, guaranteed returns.
* Whether you are concerned about Global Warming, the diminishing supply of oil and other fuel resources, or the fact that much of our energy supplies come from foreign countries, reducing the amount of energy you use at home is a very good thing to do.
2. What kinds of Energy Efficient Investments can I make in my home?
* Some of the easiest investments are in compact fluorescent light bulbs and more efficient appliances. Just plug them in and start saving money!
* Replacement windows and additional attic and under-floor insulation are other easy options, but with a little higher initial cost.
* A full High Performance Energy Remodel often offers the highest return on investment, though it may take several weeks to complete. New technology allows the owners to stay in their homes, almost all the work is done from outside.
3. How can I compare a new home to an existing older home, when it comes to Energy Efficiency?
*New homes built in the last few years will use about half the energy of homes built thirty years ago, and only about 1/3 the energy of homes fifty or more years old.
* Compare energy bills, and add the energy cost to the amount of your monthly payment. Remember, though, that the Mortgage interest is tax deductible, the energy bill is not. how much more could the monthly mortgage payment be, if the energy bill was cut by 2/3?
* Consider having a High Performance Energy Remodel done on your home, it will usually more than pay for itself in the first few years, and by the time you have retired your mortgage, you may have several hundred thousand dollars more in your pocket than if you had just continued to pay the high energy bills.
4. So, what is Green Building, really?
* Green Building is really about building everything in a more responsible way.
* Built Green is the trademarked name for local Green Building programs.
* Built Green homes are likely to be more Energy Efficient than other homes.
* Built Green homes will probably last longer than other homes, requiring less maintenance.
* Built Green homes will offer better indoor air quality, for improved health of the occupants.
* Built Green homes typically are gentler on their surrounding, impacting the soils and surrounding water ways in a less harmful way than other homes.
* Less material waste is generated from the construction of a Built Green home, reducing the pressure on our disposal systems, and saving you money.
In summary, Energy Efficient construction and Green Building are two concepts that just make good sense. Remember when gasoline was 24 cents per gallon? It isn't any more! How much have you paid for gasoline over the last thirty years? You have most likely spent about the same amount for home energy. Imagine if you had about 2/3 of that back, with interest? Can you spell C-O-M-F-O-R-T-A-B-L-E R-E-T-I-R-E-M-E-N-T?
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