This has been a very interesting and informative week. I have been involved in a couple of real estate and property management conferences and I am now reflecting on some of the speakers and some news that I have heard throughout the week.
One of the keynote speakers had been a very well off and respected man who lost everything and became homeless. He has since written a book and now speaks and represents the Salvation Army, encouraging people like us to be involved with our homeless communities.
Another speaker was Famous Amos, the cookie man. He shared his watermelon story and enouraged everyone that we need to be involved, have a good attitude, and love others and ourselves.
A third speaker was a statistician who gave us plenty to think about regarding the economics of our country,our region, and our local areas. Great material.
Throughout all of this, a friend of mind was admitted to the hospital with lung cancer. The results of the tests and procedures she is going through were not very encouraging. This is really affecting my wife because the lady with the cancer is her best friend and my wife is really concerned. Yes, about the lady, but also about her family.
For those of you who know me, you know that I am a very competitive person. I enjoy good business competition because I believe it makes us all better in our business. After listening to these speakers and walking through this cancer with our friend, I have come to realize a very important life message. Life is not about competition, it is about living moment by moment and enjoying the trip. What I have discovered, though a lot of you probably already know, is that life is not a race but it is a journey. It is not to be run as fast as we can and when it is over we can look back and say, "Look how fast I got here". Who wants that? Let's slow down, enjoy the ride, give back to those that are around us and as Famous Amos said, "Let's love ourselves and those that are our neighbors." Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Life is truly a vapor, here a minute and gone. I wish each and everyone of you a peaceful and prosperous day. Enjoy this day to it's fullest, and don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself.