Monday, June 7, 2010

Whidbey Island Insights

Whidbey Island from the view of a Whidbey Island Real Estate Broker.

Thirty five years ago, when I first arrived on Whidbey Island, I thought I would only be here for 2-3 years. I came here via the Navy and as a California boy, planned to return to the big city. Once I was here though, as many of you have also discovered, I found Whidbey Island to be a beautiful place to call home. I have thoroughly enjoyed living, working and playing here. I believe that I have added years to my life by living in this less-stressful environment.

For enjoyment, Whidbey Island and surrounding areas, have so much to offer. From outside activities like golf, fishing, hiking, and biking to wonderful indoor activities like our community college, fantastic senior centers, indoor swimming pool, and numerous hobby clubs.

If you are new to Whidbey Island, or considering moving here or having a second home here, I would encourage you to stop by our Chamber of Commerce (they are full of outstanding information) or give us a call (360-675-5915). We would be more than happy to share information and experiences with you. There are many great local links for Whidbey Island information on our website.

When you are on Whidbey Island, please feel free to stop by either of our two offices in Oak Harbor. The coffee is always on.

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